Grow Smart Awards 2005
- City of McCall Planning Policy
- City of Rexburg Planning Policy
- Park Cottages
- Highlands Village
- The Silos
- Front 5 Building
- Taylor Crossing
- Water’s Edge
- City of Caldwell
City of McCall – Planning Policy
For an aggressive approach to address housing, infrastructure and open space needs in a short period of time in response to rapid resort growth pressure. This was done by implementing a zoning and subdivision code update, wastewater policy, infill incentives, an integrated housing policy, an urban renewal plan update and a smart growth planning assistance charrette within the timeframe of an emergency moratorium that limited new development until these planning policies were put in place.
City of Rexburg – Planning Policy
For the innovative and pro-active manner in which the city administration and staff strengthened planning in Rexburg to address the development boom resulting from the expansion of BYU Idaho; by identifying and adopting the tools necessary to deal with a scale of growth not previously anticipated – i. e. completely rewriting the Development Code and Ordinance and developing new Architectural & Design Standards; for hiring new professional planning staff; and for doing so collaboratively with the County and seeking advice from across Idaho.
Park Cottages
For dedication to providing compact, affordable and high quality housing in a close-in location nestled at the edge of downtown and adjacent to a beautiful neighborhood park. Eco-friendly building materials and management is exemplified by use of Rastra blocks made of recycled Styrofoam and concrete that provide an excellent insulation rating and other recycled and low-toxicity materials where possible. Reduced parking, nearby ‘walkable’ destinations, passive solar, high efficiency radiant gas heat, and low-water permaculture, perennial plant edible landscaping all make this project noteworthy.
Highlands Village
For commitment to developing a mid-density 41 unit infill project on 6 acres in a unique and convenient village center adjacent to existing retail and commercial development and incorporating three distinct product types and architectural styles. Highlights include gaining support of nearby neighborhood associations through close work to meet their needs, maintaining 2 acres of the site in natural riparian vegetation, and a special discount to buyers who can walk or bike to work.
The Silos
For an inventive infill project on a difficult leftover parcel that utilizes existing infrastructure and a mix of uses. The project provides a transition from high density residential to the single family on either side and the design links and integrates the neighborhood through the shared use of a garden space, outdoor shelter, drinking fountain and coffee shop. Features include sustainable materials and low water landscaping, and developers used the input of existing neighbors in developing the community garden, bus shelter and message board.
Front 5 Building
For creating a distinctive ‘new’ office space through the
adaptive reuse of a vacant warehouse on a major thoroughfare near the downtown core. The first privately owned Idaho building to submit for LEED (Leadership in Energy Efficiency and Design) certification features recycled low emitting materials, building reuse, heat island reducing reflective roofing, drip irrigation, light pollution reduction, extensive daylighting and other energy savers, phosphorous filtration/sand-bed/bio-swale stormwater management, and low flow, high pressure water systems.
Taylor Crossing
For extensive policy implementation steps, including formation of an urban renewal district and infrastructure improvements to reuse an underutilized industrial site with a comprehensive planned unit development featuring office, retail, restaurant and a small residential component on the banks of the Snake River near downtown. The use of distinguishing architecture, high quality brick and stone materials, shared parking to reduce parking requirements, fiber-optic connectivity, a roundabout, innovative stormwater retention techniques, and seamless integration into the river greenbelt make this project stand out.
Water’s Edge
For excellent use of smart growth principles to create a wide range of housing choices, neighborhood serving amenities, a connected street system, and extensive connected green space in a true neighborhood node contiguous to the original townsite of the city of Kuna. Sustainable practices evident are solar orientation, low impact stormwater strategies e.g., infiltration paving and localized swales and commitment to LEED and Energy Star techniques. Pedestrian amenities include short blocks, superior connectivity, narrow streets with detached sidewalks and pathway connections to community destinations.
City of Caldwell
President’s Award
Recognizing outstanding leadership for efforts to revitalize downtown and restore Indian Creek.
A new Comprehensive Plan has been adopted promoting smart, sustainable growth by encouraging the complete redevelopment of the city center with mixed uses. The Caldwell City Center Revitalization Plan supports a pedestrian-friendly city center with the restoration and daylighting of Indian Creek and creation of a 130 foot wide greenbelt through downtown. The reintroduction of downtown residential uses improves vibrancy and quality of life downtown. The plan fully integrates smart growth and sustainable development design features with an aggressive effort to implement new zoning and design standards to assure that implementation maximizes smart growth components.