Strategies for Walking Webinar

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Strategies for Walking Webinar

Strategies for Walking

Wednesday, August 5th at 11 AM. Free, streaming online.

Presented as a part of the Safe Routes to School Idaho Annual Convening, hear from Ian Thomas of America Walks on Wednesday, August 5th at 11am MST. Ian will discuss ways to encourage parents to support and participate in walk-to-school programs.

About our Presenter:

Ian Thomas

Ian Thomas is the State and Local Program Director with America Walks. He develops and delivers education programs for advocates, professionals, and elected officials, about the benefits of walkable communities and strategies to create them. From 2000 until 2013, Ian served as the founding Executive Director of the PedNet Coalition of Columbia, MO where he developed one of the largest Walking School Bus programs in the country, coordinated a campaign that led to Columbia adopting the first “complete streets’ policy in Missouri, and was instrumental in reducing neighborhood speed limits. In 2013, 2016, and 2019, Ian was elected to the Columbia City Council, where he spearheaded the creation and adoption of Columbia’s Vision Zero policy. He is a member of Smart Growth America’s Local Leaders Council and the National League of Cities’ Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.  

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