Tools and Resources
Idaho Smart Growth Resources
- Snow Removal for Pedestrians and Bicyclists
- Best Practice Improvements/Actions for Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Comfort
- Idaho Network of Safe Routes programs: 2017 presentation
- ISG and active transport history
- Model School District Policies in support of Safe Routes
- Smart School Siting
- Review of city policies relating to Safe Routes to Schools
- Guide on Safe Routes to Schools Best practices in Idaho
- Customizable Monthly Fun Fact sheets:
- January
- February
- March
- April (with Bike Rodeo and without Bike Rodeo)
- May
- September (with Walk to School Day and without)
- October (with Walk to School Day and without)
- November
- December
- Painted curb extension – example photos
- Bicycle and Pedestrian counts – information and resources for conducting
For more information and assistance contact:
National Resources
- The National Center for Safe Routes to School coordinates organization for Walk to School Day. It is the primary data center for SRTS. They conduct research and provide training using the best practices found. And they advocate for Safe Routes: and Bike to School Day:
- SRTS Data Center, find evaluation, survey forms and on-line data entry:
- The Safe Routes to School National Partnership offers a depth of expertise, a national support network, and know-how to help make communities and schools safer, healthier, and more active: